Tuesday, August 27, 2013

F is for Friends

Soooooo (enough 'o' s for you?) Ladies and Gents boy and girls!!!

I am back. :)

Isn't it interesting how Heavenly Father is the master of all things and how he knows EXACTLY what we need and how we can get it!? Well it is, btw. And just in case you didn't know, Heavenly Father does this really neat thing for us also- He gives us friends. People that we can rely on and love and have when we need them. They are a gift from our Father to us. I know that my life would be completely different if I didn't have the support and love from those individuals. Would yours? Probably, right? Well, let me tell you I know that Heavenly Father created his plan. His perfect plan for you. And he knew that it would not always be easy, so he made sure to send people into our lives at exactly the right time. He made sure that you would receive the support that you would need at every point in your life. I know that is true, It is an incredible concept when you ask me. He KNEW who you would need and what you could learn from them at a specific time.

And can I just say that I have had many wonderful and instrumental people in my life, but at this time in my little life Heavenly Father has blessed me with this crazy incredible companion here in this area of my mission. Her name is Sister Luscher. Now let me just tell you, I learn a lot from her. She is one of the strongest and most dedicated people I know. PLUS she is basically a walking quote book... and well, I just figured "WHY NOT share all the wealth of one-liner pick me ups that she shares with me with to the rest of the world!" SOOOOOO without further adieu: the words of my dear friend Sister L... (written by me, but spoken by her) ((maybe one of these you can ponder on and learn from like I have)) (((ps. she is REALLY great))) ((((also, she doesn't claim some of these, but she says them all the time))))

"Be okay with where you are, even if you want to change."
"I know doesn't mean I do"
(this next one is my favorite)
  there is
good in the world"
"Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven"
"Some are born great, some die great, some dream great, some achieve great, and some have greatness thrust upon them"
"You can either be happy and smart or miserable and stupid"
"Do or do not there is no try"
"You fail 100% of the shots you don't take"
"Do not ask for a light load, rather ask for a strong back"
"Happiness isn't a destination it is a road of travel"
Now, dear readers, some of these may be silly and some may really help you today but if anything, I know that when I take the time to appreciate those people around me, and remember that I have been blessed with them, that my life becomes more full and fulfilled. In turn I become a more happy and loving person. I desire to do more good for other people... which is part of his plan. We are those people that need to be there when others are having their times of trial. This is what it is about. When we stop to take the time out of our busy lives. We find what has been lacking, and that is the service and divine role we all plan in Heavenly Fathers plan.
Today I invite you to look outside of yourself and look for one person that has done something to help you. Thank them! They just helped you! And in turn they have fulfilled heavenly fathers plan for us on this earth! Then, turn around and do something for someone else. Pay it forward. I promise that as we do this, we will be able to feel more love and joy. We will be able to come closer to our Savior, and feel more charity for our fellow man, as we fulfill our purpose, to help others come unto Christ and be able to live with our Father again. That is his plan. And he loves us so much... Sister Luscher and I love these quotes, and they are certainly true.

"We are his hands"
"What is this life for if not to make it better for every one else?"
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird
P.s. When we stop to find the joy in others, we start to find the joy in life. (that one was mine;)


1 comment:

  1. Sister Bird, Your posts make me so happy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom with me. You may not realize it, but you are helping me to strengthen my testimony through reading your words.
