Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tug Boat

I have always loved the ocean. I visited it yearly all growing up and when it was time for me to leave the bird nest I flew west and went to school in the middle of the pacific ocean. ALOHA! There is always something about the ocean that makes me feel so, at home. I love the sound of the waves and the impressive watercolor sunsets that are found there. I love to play and splash around in the water and experience that gift we have been given. It is exciting and always an adventure.

Well in the sea of life some days I feel like I am a little teeny tiny tug boat barely hanging on in the middle of a HUGE ocean storm.

We have all been there right? Just barely making it to shore and the end of the day. You start off and it may be a little over cast, a little bit rainy and before you know it you are surrounded by waves that could topple your little tug boat and drown you in the sea of life.

This can be a little well... intimidating. Let me tell you I understand how it feels! We get drenched and tossed about at the mercy of waves and wind... Its exhusting and frusterating at times but as I have really tried to figure out how to get through these days I have really only one way that truly helps me.

Ether, a prophet says it best to me:

  Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with asurety bhope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, whichchope cometh of dfaith, maketh an eanchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding infgood works, being led to gglorify God.

Some days we don't or wont make it to the safe harbor that heavenly father has in store for us, and while we are facing the waves and the winds of life, we need something to tie us down.

I can say that my Faith in my Savior and  Redeemer, is the only thing that allows me to make it through on these days when my tug boat doesn't seem to want to tug anymore, or when I feel too drenched from the waves that have hit me and slow me down. I know that as I rely on him and make him the anchor to my soul- as Ether states- that all things WILL become a better world in the lords timing. It is only the waves that can toss us too and fro but the Savior will Anchor us and allow us to stay the coarse that is in store for us. He will ALWAYS allow us a safe harbor, even among the storms of life. I bare testimony of that.

I know that it will work for you as well, if you allow him to anchor your soul and your faith today.

All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Laurel Bird

p.s. He says it really well check it out! Click me!

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