Thursday, September 12, 2013

The WHY of it all

Has it really been 12 days?? Wow. I need to do some serious repenting people. My apologies! time flies when you are having fun... right? RIGHT.

Well dear readers this one is for you.

It has always been a very interesting concept to me.

The sun would not be as lovely if it weren't for the moon.
A hug would not feel as special if you hadn't felt alone.
Your sleep would not have felt as restful if you had not worked
The clean plate you eat off of would not be a nice if you hadn't have seen it dirty
Quite would not be as welcome if you weren't first bombarded with sound
A cool air conditioned home wouldn't feel as nice if you first hadn't been in the heat.
A laugh wouldn't be as fulfilling if you hadn't needed to have one.
We wouldn't be able to define "good" without the knowledge of what "bad" is.
White would not be as pure if you had no idea what black is.
Being warm is much better after you have been freezing

The list goes on and on.

Often times I find myself wondering WHY so many "bad things" happen to me, or why they have happened to those around me that I love. But this concept -when I remember it- it is truly one that changes my whole out look on life and changes the Why of it all. When we stop to think about it- with out the opposition of the "bad" things in life the good things would just simply be okay. We would never be able to experience the joys if we had no idea what the sad times were. I know that.
It goes with anything. We would never be able to fully understand the meaning of anything.

Sometimes we may wonder why, but I can say that I know that it is to allow us to enjoy the good times and to be able to remember all those wonderful things that we do have. I know that without the concept of opposition this life would be extremely dull, and we would not be able to have the joys that we do.

This is Gods plan for man. I know this. I know that, however I do not understand everything, or may not even understand the "why" completely, I know that Heavenly Father has created this gift for us that we may be able to experience more fully joy. He allows us to feel opposition everyday so that we can choose to have the goodness, or that we may be able to see the goodness in a different light. It keeps us grateful and humble when we can see the bad coupled next to the good.

You may feel differently but I know that this is an eternal principal. That as I have thought about it and treasured this up in my mind, I have had the spirit tell me it is the truth. And to me, that makes me so happy! It expounds my mind and allows me to feel at peace even amidst the darkest times. I promise that as you study and ponder this concept as well that you will be able to feel the same, and maybe you- like myself- can have an altered view about the "why" of it all.

Read about it from a prophet of god :)
2 Nephi 2:11
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird

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