Thursday, August 8, 2013


Howdy Yall :)

Ill just get right to it- Peter. Yes Peter.

Have you heard of him? He is kinda a big deal- well, he is just kinda mentioned alot in a pretty famous book... Its called The Bible.

I just wanted to take a second and tell yall about the cool thoughts I had about him a few days ago.

We read in Matthew 14 about Peter and his incredible faith... Now i know what you are thinking...

"Wait, about his Faith?? The Savior himself said ' thou of little afaith, wherefore didst thou bdoubt?'.. so how can he show faith? "

Well I think as I have been learning that really faith is ACTION. Not just words or beliefs.

Peter WALKED on water. That is a pretty big action if you ask me.

I love to study this man and all the valuable things learned from him but I think this has been my most recent favorite lesson of his; He acted in Faith. He walked on water. The ONLY other man recorded to do so besides Christ himself. And it was only through his faith that he was able to do so... Yes he did sink- do we not all sink? Wasn't the savior the only person with perfect faith? But I think the lesson best learned from this ordeal is that he was able to walk on the water

Only when he was focused on the savior.

As soon as he stopped watching him and watched the waves and the storm and the sea instead- that is when he fell, but as long as he stayed foused on Christ he could walk on the water that no other man attempted to.

Just a little food for thought.

As we stay focued on our Savior, and ACT in your faith -YOU yes YOU can walk on water just as peter did and do the things that are so-called "impossible"...

All my missionary Love,
Sister Steffany Bird

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