So nice to see you all again... okay, okay I cant really see you but if I could just know that I have a big ol smile on my face sitting there just for you! :) (like that) I just can't help but have one there today!
Today my life has been really a blessed one. We had a zone meeting this morning and it was more than what Heavenly Father knew I needed. Goodness me, he spoils this little Florida missionary! A few thoughts have been rolling along in my mind as of late and I would just be a fool if i didn't share what I have been taught in the past few hours.
First let me ask a question to you all.
How grateful are you?
But really. When you wake up in the morning what is your first thought? Is it "Wow, I am so incredibly blessed to have another day!" or is it something to the effect of "uuuuggghhh it's so early, why cant I sleep just a bit longer?"... Now let me admit that may not be the best example for me... as I am naturally NOT a morning "Bird"... BUT that should not discount this valuable lesson that I am still in the process of learning...
Coming on a mission has been one of the Craziest things I think I have ever had the good fortune to do, however, I think I came out all in the wrong attitude! As I have come to be out here now for almost four months (What the??) I have come to realize that the way to find true happiness is not by wishing things to be thrust upon me but more by having an attitude of Gratitude! By finding Joy in my journey and being where my feet are.
Ehm Ehm... Let me list a few things that I have realized I have had in my life that have helped me to become a more happy and more content Homo-sapien... (spelling, dear readers, has NEVER been a strong point of mine btw)
- I have a Heavenly Father who loves me SO much that he has blessed me with the message of the restored Gospel.
- My family has been supportive of my choices
- I have friends that love me for who I am and really care how I am doing
- I live in the United State of America- the one country that has the most freedom and ability to live my life under God.
- I speak English! probably one of the weirdest and hardest languages in the world
- I have had an education and have experienced culture that has helped me become who I am
- I live in a BEAUTIFUL world and get to see the sun every morning and evening create a majestic watercolor painting across the sky.
- I have a place to live, food to eat, money in my bank account, and shoes on my feet
- I know that my Savior loves me and that he has provided a plan for me to RETURN and live with him again.
- My body works properly and I can walk, talk and do most everything I would like to.
Now i could go on for years BUT I think you are getting the point SO let me pose the question again.
How grateful are you truly? Are you in a place in your life when you are humbled by the things that HAVE been provided, or in a place wishing other things would be done...
In my life I have done a bit of both I suppose, but I would like to urge you all to think of the things that you DO have and not the things that you do NOT have. Write them down and refer to them frequently, it is incredible the list that you will have! When you do this, your mind truly becomes a canvas of peaceful contented thoughts and in return that is who you become. You CAN become a beacon of light in this dark world. Someone who exudes graditute and happiness to others.
When was the last time that you knelt in prayer strictly in gratitude for the things that you have from your father?
Do you think that you would want to grant MORE to someone who is never appreciative for the things that you have already given them?
Neither does our Heavenly Father.
May I offer some advice that has worked for me- and I don't know everything- but I do know this: Heavenly Father has blessed us more than we can ever comprehend. Listen to him, and acknowledge the good that has already been had. In doing so I know that you will become closer to your savior and you will find MORE peace, happiness, and joy than you ever have before. He loves you and wants you to have the joy that you are created to have.
I love you all and am so glad that you have come back for a second visit. I love this gospel, I know that it is the only way to truth and happiness, and that as we strive to become more grateful we will become more Christ like. And as we become more Christ like, the world is at our feet- for he over came the world for us! His Atonement was not only Infinite but it was more importantly intimate... And how Joyous is that gift we have been given?
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Laurel Bird
"Peace, Be still, and know that I am God" -Psalms 46:10
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