Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Conference

About six months ago I was walking around the streets of Honolulu. The ocean breeze flipped my hair around and the sun kissed my skin. I am sure I had a smile on my face. I was so incredibly happy. You may say well "duh" you were in Hawaii! But I can tell you It was not my physical destination that was making me beam- I was simply happy because I had just finished watching

General Conference   (go ahead click the word)

As I were walking around I began to think of what I had learned and how I felt after watching it... My mind was invigorated and my whole countenance felt light like I could accomplish anything handed to me! I took a step back and just reflected. I watched the people around me- some of them were smiling and some of them were upset. They were in paradise yet they didn't feel happy and that is when it hit me and my soul was sadden ... In that moment I realized that ALL those people at the beach and in the stores and on the busses and all around me

DIDNT KNOW ABOUT GENERAL CONFERENCE. they had not watched it. they didn't even know it existed.

Realizing this I then began to  pondered how much it truly meant to me to be able to receive personal revelation, and to be able to hear the words of the prophet. I thought about what my life would be like without the knowledge of this magnificent event...

And ladies and Gents
you know what??  I came to the conclusion that my life would be a very sad place. I wouldn't be able to find the happiness that I had with out it! I don't think I would have the strength that I do or know the purpose of my life if I didn't have this opportunity to hear from a Modern Day prophet. At general conference last October I was effected by the announcement that our dear prophet Thomas S Monson said over the pulpit. I became a representative of Jesus Christ and was called to serve a mission for this remarkable church!  It was something that changed my life completely. Because of General Conference I now have this opportunity to share this message with the world- so that all those people around me, on the busses, at the beach, in the stores, my neighbors and friends and everyone!!!


To all those people out there reading this- If you have time (and if you don't please make it) Watch General Conference. I promise that all those questions that are in the deepest caverns of your mind can be answered through this magnificent event! I bare my testimony that this is true, that this is the SAVIORS church. That this event- General Conference- is completely centered around the Doctrine and Principals of our savior and is what God needs us to know at this time for ourselves, our family, and our friends around us! Watch it. I promise it is worth all the time in the world!

All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird

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