Five Four Seven
Stories of a little Bird
Friday, September 27, 2013
Act Well thy Part
Today I am extremely excited by what is coming up so shortly! I talked about it a few days ago, or was it yesterday? Any ways! Some of you may still be wondering what General conference is all about welll..... This is one of my favorite talks from the last session! For any Females (or males too) out there give this a look! I promise it is worth 11 minutes of your time!
More talks like this will happen over the next few days, and next weekend! If you haven't had the opportunity to see any of these types of talks I would again invite you to watch this magnificent WORLD wide event!
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Aspire Higher
Just wanted to share a few neato bandito pictures with all yall today! To me they are incredibly beautiful and meaningful too :)
Oqurrih Mountain Temple
Salt Lake City Utah Temple
Cardston Alberta Temple
Draper Utah Temple
Laie Hawaii Temple
(My very most favorite one!!)

New York Manhattan Temple
Manti Utah Temple
Mesa Arizona Temple
Nauvoo Illinois Temple
Wellington New Zealand Temple
San Diego Temple
I have had the wonderful opportunity to see many of these temples. Every time that I go and spend time in them I am overwhelmed with a sense of peace that I cannot even describe. In these temples and others all around the world many people are brought unto Christ. My parents were married and sealed in the Salt Lake Temple for time and ALL eternity. Because they have done so I am sealed to them for time and all eternity as well. I know that I will continue to be with them long after our time here on earth is over. Because of these wonderful and sacred places and the priesthood power I know that my family is forever. Not just until death do us part. You too can have this opportunity with your family find out how here! Or ask these people to come and explain it! Have a lovely day y'all!
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Laurel Bird
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The Conference
About six months ago I was walking around the streets of Honolulu. The ocean breeze flipped my hair around and the sun kissed my skin. I am sure I had a smile on my face. I was so incredibly happy. You may say well "duh" you were in Hawaii! But I can tell you It was not my physical destination that was making me beam- I was simply happy because I had just finished watching
General Conference (go ahead click the word)
As I were walking around I began to think of what I had learned and how I felt after watching it... My mind was invigorated and my whole countenance felt light like I could accomplish anything handed to me! I took a step back and just reflected. I watched the people around me- some of them were smiling and some of them were upset. They were in paradise yet they didn't feel happy and that is when it hit me and my soul was sadden ... In that moment I realized that ALL those people at the beach and in the stores and on the busses and all around me
DIDNT KNOW ABOUT GENERAL CONFERENCE. they had not watched it. they didn't even know it existed.
Realizing this I then began to pondered how much it truly meant to me to be able to receive personal revelation, and to be able to hear the words of the prophet. I thought about what my life would be like without the knowledge of this magnificent event...
And ladies and Gents
you know what?? I came to the conclusion that my life would be a very sad place. I wouldn't be able to find the happiness that I had with out it! I don't think I would have the strength that I do or know the purpose of my life if I didn't have this opportunity to hear from a Modern Day prophet. At general conference last October I was effected by the announcement that our dear prophet Thomas S Monson said over the pulpit. I became a representative of Jesus Christ and was called to serve a mission for this remarkable church! It was something that changed my life completely. Because of General Conference I now have this opportunity to share this message with the world- so that all those people around me, on the busses, at the beach, in the stores, my neighbors and friends and everyone!!!
To all those people out there reading this- If you have time (and if you don't please make it) Watch General Conference. I promise that all those questions that are in the deepest caverns of your mind can be answered through this magnificent event! I bare my testimony that this is true, that this is the SAVIORS church. That this event- General Conference- is completely centered around the Doctrine and Principals of our savior and is what God needs us to know at this time for ourselves, our family, and our friends around us! Watch it. I promise it is worth all the time in the world!
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird
General Conference (go ahead click the word)
As I were walking around I began to think of what I had learned and how I felt after watching it... My mind was invigorated and my whole countenance felt light like I could accomplish anything handed to me! I took a step back and just reflected. I watched the people around me- some of them were smiling and some of them were upset. They were in paradise yet they didn't feel happy and that is when it hit me and my soul was sadden ... In that moment I realized that ALL those people at the beach and in the stores and on the busses and all around me
DIDNT KNOW ABOUT GENERAL CONFERENCE. they had not watched it. they didn't even know it existed.
Realizing this I then began to pondered how much it truly meant to me to be able to receive personal revelation, and to be able to hear the words of the prophet. I thought about what my life would be like without the knowledge of this magnificent event...
And ladies and Gents
you know what?? I came to the conclusion that my life would be a very sad place. I wouldn't be able to find the happiness that I had with out it! I don't think I would have the strength that I do or know the purpose of my life if I didn't have this opportunity to hear from a Modern Day prophet. At general conference last October I was effected by the announcement that our dear prophet Thomas S Monson said over the pulpit. I became a representative of Jesus Christ and was called to serve a mission for this remarkable church! It was something that changed my life completely. Because of General Conference I now have this opportunity to share this message with the world- so that all those people around me, on the busses, at the beach, in the stores, my neighbors and friends and everyone!!!
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Did you think to pray?
I remember the first time that I really did it.
I remember the exact spot that I felt his love.
I remember the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes.
I remember the first time that prayer meant something more than just an action to me.
The first time that I truly and sincerely prayed to my Heavenly Father, is a moment in my life that I will never forget. And never want to forget.
My mind was frantic and my thoughts had raced around in my head, making me dizzy from the movement and struggle of what life had served to me that day. I walked into the house aftera terribly long day of school and I tried to forget what had been said to me. I felt weak. I felt alone. I felt defeated. I threw my backpack off and trudged up the stairs. My eyes streamed endlessly and my tears watered the carpet. I closed my door desperate for something to sooth my aching heart and my tired mind and body. No one seemed to know what to do or what to say to me to make it all "magically go away". I tried music and thinking a bit, but I realized that I needed more.
The thought hit me right between the eyes.
And before I could even realize what I was doing I was on my knees. Not like any other prayer I had prayed before. I had grown up in a home my WHOLE life praying. Praying morning and evening, praying before dinner and at church... but I had never done it with such sincerity before. I had never REALLY reached out to my Father like I should have...
The moment I finished that prayer one fall day- I had never felt the saviors love more abundantly in my life. I KNEW for MYSELF that he had heard me. I knew that no matter what had happened or what was going to happen that he loved me more perfectly than I had ever imagined. His loved filled my aching heart and seamlessly healed my broken soul. I could have reached out and felt him. I never even knew that feeling this was a possibility before.
Since this moment in time I have had many conversations with my daddy in heaven. He is someone that I love to talk to and I know that he hears me. He is with me every step of the way and I know that he will never leave me.
Often times I feel that we get too caught up in the act of doing something and that we forget the meaning behind why we do it. It simply becomes something that we just do, or pencil into our days because we are supposed to. Its purpose is lost in the business of it all.
Today I challenge you to sincerely get down on your knees and really converse with your Father in Heaven. He LONGS to know how you are. He wants to hear it from you. And I promise that you will be able to feel his love surround you more fully. This is one of my most cherished possessions: the knowledge that he is always there with me and hears my prayers. Each and every time.
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird
I remember the exact spot that I felt his love.
I remember the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes.
I remember the first time that prayer meant something more than just an action to me.
The first time that I truly and sincerely prayed to my Heavenly Father, is a moment in my life that I will never forget. And never want to forget.
My mind was frantic and my thoughts had raced around in my head, making me dizzy from the movement and struggle of what life had served to me that day. I walked into the house aftera terribly long day of school and I tried to forget what had been said to me. I felt weak. I felt alone. I felt defeated. I threw my backpack off and trudged up the stairs. My eyes streamed endlessly and my tears watered the carpet. I closed my door desperate for something to sooth my aching heart and my tired mind and body. No one seemed to know what to do or what to say to me to make it all "magically go away". I tried music and thinking a bit, but I realized that I needed more.
The thought hit me right between the eyes.
And before I could even realize what I was doing I was on my knees. Not like any other prayer I had prayed before. I had grown up in a home my WHOLE life praying. Praying morning and evening, praying before dinner and at church... but I had never done it with such sincerity before. I had never REALLY reached out to my Father like I should have...
The moment I finished that prayer one fall day- I had never felt the saviors love more abundantly in my life. I KNEW for MYSELF that he had heard me. I knew that no matter what had happened or what was going to happen that he loved me more perfectly than I had ever imagined. His loved filled my aching heart and seamlessly healed my broken soul. I could have reached out and felt him. I never even knew that feeling this was a possibility before.
Since this moment in time I have had many conversations with my daddy in heaven. He is someone that I love to talk to and I know that he hears me. He is with me every step of the way and I know that he will never leave me.
Often times I feel that we get too caught up in the act of doing something and that we forget the meaning behind why we do it. It simply becomes something that we just do, or pencil into our days because we are supposed to. Its purpose is lost in the business of it all.
Today I challenge you to sincerely get down on your knees and really converse with your Father in Heaven. He LONGS to know how you are. He wants to hear it from you. And I promise that you will be able to feel his love surround you more fully. This is one of my most cherished possessions: the knowledge that he is always there with me and hears my prayers. Each and every time.
“When I was a little child, my parents taught me by example to pray. I began with a picture in my mind of Heavenly Father being far away. As I have matured, my experience with prayer has changed. The picture in my mind has become one of a Heavenly Father who is close by, who is bathed in a bright light, and who knows me perfectly.”
—Henry B. Eyring
“Exhort Them to Pray,” Ensign, Feb. 2012, 4
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Tug Boat
I have always loved the ocean. I visited it yearly all growing up and when it was time for me to leave the bird nest I flew west and went to school in the middle of the pacific ocean. ALOHA! There is always something about the ocean that makes me feel so, at home. I love the sound of the waves and the impressive watercolor sunsets that are found there. I love to play and splash around in the water and experience that gift we have been given. It is exciting and always an adventure.
Well in the sea of life some days I feel like I am a little teeny tiny tug boat barely hanging on in the middle of a HUGE ocean storm.
We have all been there right? Just barely making it to shore and the end of the day. You start off and it may be a little over cast, a little bit rainy and before you know it you are surrounded by waves that could topple your little tug boat and drown you in the sea of life.
This can be a little well... intimidating. Let me tell you I understand how it feels! We get drenched and tossed about at the mercy of waves and wind... Its exhusting and frusterating at times but as I have really tried to figure out how to get through these days I have really only one way that truly helps me.
Ether, a prophet says it best to me:
4 Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with asurety bhope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, whichchope cometh of dfaith, maketh an eanchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding infgood works, being led to gglorify God.
Some days we don't or wont make it to the safe harbor that heavenly father has in store for us, and while we are facing the waves and the winds of life, we need something to tie us down.
I can say that my Faith in my Savior and Redeemer, is the only thing that allows me to make it through on these days when my tug boat doesn't seem to want to tug anymore, or when I feel too drenched from the waves that have hit me and slow me down. I know that as I rely on him and make him the anchor to my soul- as Ether states- that all things WILL become a better world in the lords timing. It is only the waves that can toss us too and fro but the Savior will Anchor us and allow us to stay the coarse that is in store for us. He will ALWAYS allow us a safe harbor, even among the storms of life. I bare testimony of that.
I know that it will work for you as well, if you allow him to anchor your soul and your faith today.
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Laurel Bird
p.s. He says it really well check it out! Click me!
Well in the sea of life some days I feel like I am a little teeny tiny tug boat barely hanging on in the middle of a HUGE ocean storm.
We have all been there right? Just barely making it to shore and the end of the day. You start off and it may be a little over cast, a little bit rainy and before you know it you are surrounded by waves that could topple your little tug boat and drown you in the sea of life.
This can be a little well... intimidating. Let me tell you I understand how it feels! We get drenched and tossed about at the mercy of waves and wind... Its exhusting and frusterating at times but as I have really tried to figure out how to get through these days I have really only one way that truly helps me.
Ether, a prophet says it best to me:
4 Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with asurety bhope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, whichchope cometh of dfaith, maketh an eanchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding infgood works, being led to gglorify God.
Some days we don't or wont make it to the safe harbor that heavenly father has in store for us, and while we are facing the waves and the winds of life, we need something to tie us down.
I can say that my Faith in my Savior and Redeemer, is the only thing that allows me to make it through on these days when my tug boat doesn't seem to want to tug anymore, or when I feel too drenched from the waves that have hit me and slow me down. I know that as I rely on him and make him the anchor to my soul- as Ether states- that all things WILL become a better world in the lords timing. It is only the waves that can toss us too and fro but the Savior will Anchor us and allow us to stay the coarse that is in store for us. He will ALWAYS allow us a safe harbor, even among the storms of life. I bare testimony of that.
I know that it will work for you as well, if you allow him to anchor your soul and your faith today.
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Laurel Bird
p.s. He says it really well check it out! Click me!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
The WHY of it all
Has it really been 12 days?? Wow. I need to do some serious repenting people. My apologies! time flies when you are having fun... right? RIGHT.
Well dear readers this one is for you.
It has always been a very interesting concept to me.
The sun would not be as lovely if it weren't for the moon.
A hug would not feel as special if you hadn't felt alone.
Your sleep would not have felt as restful if you had not worked
The clean plate you eat off of would not be a nice if you hadn't have seen it dirty
Quite would not be as welcome if you weren't first bombarded with sound
A cool air conditioned home wouldn't feel as nice if you first hadn't been in the heat.
A laugh wouldn't be as fulfilling if you hadn't needed to have one.
We wouldn't be able to define "good" without the knowledge of what "bad" is.
White would not be as pure if you had no idea what black is.
Being warm is much better after you have been freezing
The list goes on and on.
Often times I find myself wondering WHY so many "bad things" happen to me, or why they have happened to those around me that I love. But this concept -when I remember it- it is truly one that changes my whole out look on life and changes the Why of it all. When we stop to think about it- with out the opposition of the "bad" things in life the good things would just simply be okay. We would never be able to experience the joys if we had no idea what the sad times were. I know that.
It goes with anything. We would never be able to fully understand the meaning of anything.
Sometimes we may wonder why, but I can say that I know that it is to allow us to enjoy the good times and to be able to remember all those wonderful things that we do have. I know that without the concept of opposition this life would be extremely dull, and we would not be able to have the joys that we do.
This is Gods plan for man. I know this. I know that, however I do not understand everything, or may not even understand the "why" completely, I know that Heavenly Father has created this gift for us that we may be able to experience more fully joy. He allows us to feel opposition everyday so that we can choose to have the goodness, or that we may be able to see the goodness in a different light. It keeps us grateful and humble when we can see the bad coupled next to the good.
You may feel differently but I know that this is an eternal principal. That as I have thought about it and treasured this up in my mind, I have had the spirit tell me it is the truth. And to me, that makes me so happy! It expounds my mind and allows me to feel at peace even amidst the darkest times. I promise that as you study and ponder this concept as well that you will be able to feel the same, and maybe you- like myself- can have an altered view about the "why" of it all.
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird
Well dear readers this one is for you.
It has always been a very interesting concept to me.
The sun would not be as lovely if it weren't for the moon.
A hug would not feel as special if you hadn't felt alone.
Your sleep would not have felt as restful if you had not worked
The clean plate you eat off of would not be a nice if you hadn't have seen it dirty
Quite would not be as welcome if you weren't first bombarded with sound
A cool air conditioned home wouldn't feel as nice if you first hadn't been in the heat.
A laugh wouldn't be as fulfilling if you hadn't needed to have one.
We wouldn't be able to define "good" without the knowledge of what "bad" is.
White would not be as pure if you had no idea what black is.
Being warm is much better after you have been freezing
The list goes on and on.
Often times I find myself wondering WHY so many "bad things" happen to me, or why they have happened to those around me that I love. But this concept -when I remember it- it is truly one that changes my whole out look on life and changes the Why of it all. When we stop to think about it- with out the opposition of the "bad" things in life the good things would just simply be okay. We would never be able to experience the joys if we had no idea what the sad times were. I know that.
It goes with anything. We would never be able to fully understand the meaning of anything.
Sometimes we may wonder why, but I can say that I know that it is to allow us to enjoy the good times and to be able to remember all those wonderful things that we do have. I know that without the concept of opposition this life would be extremely dull, and we would not be able to have the joys that we do.
This is Gods plan for man. I know this. I know that, however I do not understand everything, or may not even understand the "why" completely, I know that Heavenly Father has created this gift for us that we may be able to experience more fully joy. He allows us to feel opposition everyday so that we can choose to have the goodness, or that we may be able to see the goodness in a different light. It keeps us grateful and humble when we can see the bad coupled next to the good.
You may feel differently but I know that this is an eternal principal. That as I have thought about it and treasured this up in my mind, I have had the spirit tell me it is the truth. And to me, that makes me so happy! It expounds my mind and allows me to feel at peace even amidst the darkest times. I promise that as you study and ponder this concept as well that you will be able to feel the same, and maybe you- like myself- can have an altered view about the "why" of it all.
Read about it from a prophet of god :)
2 Nephi 2:11
Sister Steffany Bird
Saturday, August 31, 2013
I am an extremely visual person.
And I appreciate good art.
I don't claim any of these, Obviously, but I think they are beautiful and say more about the grace, and character of Christ than I ever could in words.
I hope that you all take a moment to ponder them, and him.
I know that I have come closer to my Savior while finding these.
My favorite paintings of Christ:
All my missionary love,
Sister Steffany Bird
P.s. I know that my Redeemer lives, and loves me, and loves you too.
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